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- ; $VER: Virus_Checker Install 7.18 (26.9.95)
- ; Script to install Virus_Checker
- ; Written by Simon Dick of Amigaholics Club (sidick@essex.ac.uk)
- ; Updated and enhanced by John Veldthuis
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;;;
- ;;; Get the version and revision number of file/device/library/OS/etc
- ;;;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;
- ; INPUTS: Item ; Name of device/file/library/etc. "" for OS version
- ;
- ; OUTPUTS: VerN ; (long) version/revision number
- ; Ver ; Version number
- ; Rev ; Revision number
- ; NOTE: Both Ver and Rev returned as 0 if "WV_Item" does not exist
- ;
- (procedure WhatVersion
- (
- (if (= VerN "")
- (set VerNum (getversion)) ; For OS
- (set VerNum (getversion VerN))) ; For other "files"
- (set Ver (/ VerNum 65536))
- (set Rev (- VerNum (* Ver 65536)))
- )
- )
- ;Set env var Virus_Checker_Path to installed place
- (procedure setVCEnv
- (
- (set VCPath (expandpath @default-dest))
- (set VCPathS (cat
- ("setenv Virus_Checker_Path \"%s\"\n" VCPath)
- ("copy env:Virus_Checker_Path envarc: quiet\n")
- )
- )
- (textfile
- (dest "T:VCEnvSet")
- (append VCPathS)
- )
- (execute "T:VCEnvSet")
- (delete "T:VCEnvSet")
- )
- )
- (set @app-name "Virus_Checker")
- (complete 0)
- ;(if (= @language "deutsch")
- ; (
- ; ; Add the german strings here for example
- ; (set where_vc "Please put the german strings in here first!"
- ; )
- ; )
- ;)
- (if (= @language "english")
- (
- (set whatinstall (cat "Do you want a full installation of Virus Checker "
- "or just a partial one?"
- )
- )
- (set fullinstall "Full Install")
- (set partialinstall "Partial Install")
- (set installhelp (cat "Full install installs ALL Virus Checker files to "
- "the directory chosen, while partial install just installs the "
- "program files where needed"
- )
- )
- (set where_vc (cat "Please select directory to put Virus_Checker in"
- )
- )
- (set copyingdir "Copying Virus_Checker drawer")
- (set copybblib "Copying Bootblock.library")
- (set copybbfile "Copying Bootblock.brainfile")
- (set copyunpacklib "Copying unpack.library")
- (set copyxfdlib "Copying xfdmaster.library")
- (set copybguilib "Copying bgui.library")
- (set copyxfddecrs "Copying XFD external decrunchers, please choose which ones to install")
- (set copyvcbrain "Copying VirusChecker.brain")
- (set copyvcprog "Copying Virus_Checker")
- (set instaloverold "Virus_Checker being installed in WBStartup over old version")
- (set vcrunfrom "Where do you want to run Virus_Checker from?")
- (set bestplace "The best place is from the User-Startup")
- (set cantinstalloverdir "You can't install Virus Checker over an existing directory")
- (set removebrain (cat "I have found version %ld.%ld of the VirusChecker.brain "
- "file in L:\n"
- "This is only needed if you're running Virus_Checker "
- "from WBStartup.\n"
- "Shall I delete it?"
- )
- )
- (set deletebrain "Deleting L:VirusChecker.brain")
- (set installguide "Do you want to install the online AmigaGuide help file?")
- (set copyingguide "Copying Virus_Checker.guide")
- (set whichlangs (cat "Which Virus Checker locale catalogs do you want "
- "to install?")
- )
- (set langhelp (cat "Copying these files will allow Virus_Checker to be "
- "run using different Locales under Workbench 2.1 or "
- "higher. Just select the catalog files which you "
- "will need to use.")
- )
- (set adddat "I need to add the following line to your \s:User-Startup\ file\n\n%s")
- (set copycat "Copying Virus_Checker.catalog")
- (set needtoreset "You will need to reset to cause VirusChecker to be run")
- (set instlrexx "Do you want to install the Virus Checker ARexx scripts?")
- (set copyrexx "Which ARexx scripts do you want to copy?")
- )
- )
- (welcome)
- (set VerN "")
- (WhatVersion) ;Get version
- (if (< Ver 37)
- (abort (cat #ver_err1 #err_msg))
- )
- ;If installed already then use that one
- (if (= (exists "ENV:Virus_Checker_Path" (noreq)) 1)
- (set @default-dest (getenv "Virus_Checker_Path"))
- )
- (set fullinstall (askbool (default 1)
- (prompt whatinstall)
- (help installhelp)
- (choices fullinstall partialinstall)
- )
- )
- (if fullinstall
- (
- (set @default-dest
- (askdir (prompt where_vc)
- (help @askdir-help)
- (default @default-dest)
- )
- )
- (complete 10)
- ; Copy Virus_Checker drawer
- (copylib (prompt copyingdir)
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source "Virus_Checker")
- (dest @default-dest)
- (infos)
- (optional oknodelete force)
- )
- (copylib (prompt copyingdir)
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source "VirusChecker.brain")
- (dest @default-dest)
- (optional oknodelete askuser)
- )
- (copylib (prompt copyingdir)
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source "Virus_Checker.guide")
- (dest @default-dest)
- (infos)
- (optional nofail askuser)
- )
- (copyfiles (prompt copyingdir)
- (help @copyfiles-help)
- (source "NZ_VC.bsh")
- (dest @default-dest)
- (optional nofail askuser)
- )
- (copylib (prompt copyingdir)
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source "MakeKey")
- (dest @default-dest)
- (infos)
- (optional nofail askuser)
- )
- )
- ; If partial install
- (
- (debug "")
- )
- )
- (complete 20)
- ; Install libraries
- (copylib (prompt copybblib)
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source "libs/Bootblock.library")
- (dest "LIBS:")
- (optional nofail askuser)
- )
- (complete 30)
- (copylib (prompt copybbfile)
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source "l/Bootblock.brainfile")
- (dest "L:")
- (optional nofail askuser)
- )
- (complete 40)
- (copylib (prompt copyunpacklib)
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source "libs/unpack.library")
- (dest "LIBS:")
- (optional nofail askuser)
- )
- (complete 50)
- (copylib (prompt copyxfdlib)
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source "libs/xfdmaster.library")
- (dest "LIBS:")
- (optional nofail askuser)
- )
- (copylib (prompt copybguilib)
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source "libs/bgui.library")
- (dest "LIBS:")
- (optional nofail askuser)
- )
- (complete 60)
- (copyfiles (prompt copyxfddecrs)
- (help @copyfiles-help)
- (source "libs/xfd")
- (dest "LIBS:xfd")
- (optional nofail askuser)
- (confirm)
- (all)
- )
- (complete 70)
- ; Check if brainfile is in L:
- (set brainfile (exists "L:VirusChecker.brain"))
- (set wherestart (exists "SYS:WBStartup/Virus_Checker"))
- (if (= wherestart 0)
- (set wherestart (askchoice (prompt vcrunfrom)
- (help bestplace)
- (default 0)
- (choices "User-Startup" "WBStartup" "None")
- )
- )
- (
- (if (= wherestart 1)
- (message instaloverold)
- (abort cantinstalloverdir)
- )
- )
- )
- (if (= wherestart 0)
- (
- (if (= fullinstall 0)
- (
- (if (exists (tackon @default-dest "Utilities"))
- (set @default-dest (tackon @default-dest "Utilities"))
- (if (exists "SYS:Utilities")
- (set @default-dest (expandpath "SYS:Utilities"))
- )
- )
- (set @default-dest (askdir (prompt "")
- (help @askdir-help)
- (default @default-dest)
- )
- )
- (copylib (prompt copyvcprog)
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source "Virus_Checker")
- (dest @default-dest)
- (infos)
- (optional oknodelete force)
- )
- (copylib (prompt copyvcbrain)
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source "VirusChecker.brain")
- (dest @default-dest)
- (optional nofail askuser)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (if (= wherestart 1)
- (
- (copylib (prompt copyvcbrain)
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source "VirusChecker.brain")
- (dest "L:")
- (optional nofail askuser)
- )
- (copylib (prompt copyvcprog)
- (set @default-dest "SYS:WBStartup")
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source "Virus_Checker")
- (dest "SYS:WBStartup")
- (optional oknodelete force)
- (infos)
- )
- )
- (
- (if (= brainfile 1)
- (
- (set VerN "L:VirusChecker.brain")
- (WhatVersion) ;Get version
- (set rembrain (askbool (prompt (removebrain Ver Rev))
- (help @askbool-help)
- (default 1)
- )
- )
- (if (= rembrain 1)
- (delete ("L:VirusChecker.brain")
- (optional force)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (if (= wherestartup 0) ; User-Startup
- (
- (set cmd (tackon @default-dest "Virus_Checker"))
- (startup @app-name (prompt (adddat cmd))
- (help @startup-help)
- (command cmd)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 80)
- (if (askbool (prompt installguide)
- (help @askbool-help)
- (default 1)
- )
- (
- (copylib (prompt copyingguide)
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source "Virus_Checker.guide")
- (dest "HELP:")
- ; (dest (cat "HELP:" @language)) Later
- (optional nofail force)
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 90)
- (set localever (/ (getversion "locale.library" (resident)) 65536))
- ;(if (>= (/ (getversion "locale.library" (resident)) 65536) 38))
- (if (>= localever 38)
- (
- (set locales (askoptions (prompt whichlangs)
- (help langhelp)
- (choices "nederlands"
- "svenska"
- "italiano"
- "deutsch"
- "français"
- )
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (if (IN locales 0)
- (
- (copylib (prompt copycat)
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source "catalogs/nederlands/Virus_Checker.catalog")
- (dest "LOCALE:Catalogs/nederlands")
- (optional nofail askuser)
- )
- )
- )
- (if (IN locales 1)
- (
- (copylib (prompt copycat)
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source "catalogs/svenska/Virus_Checker.catalog")
- (dest "LOCALE:Catalogs/svenska")
- (optional nofail askuser)
- )
- )
- )
- (if (IN locales 2)
- (
- (copylib (prompt copycat)
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source "catalogs/italiano/Virus_Checker.catalog")
- (dest "LOCALE:Catalogs/italiano")
- (optional nofail askuser)
- )
- )
- )
- (if (IN locales 3)
- (
- (copylib (prompt copycat)
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source "catalogs/deutsch/Virus_Checker.catalog")
- (dest "LOCALE:Catalogs/deutsch")
- (optional nofail askuser)
- )
- )
- )
- (if (IN locales 4)
- (
- (copylib (prompt copycat)
- (help @copylib-help)
- (source "catalogs/français/Virus_Checker.catalog")
- (dest "LOCALE:Catalogs/français")
- (optional nofail askuser)
- )
- )
- )
- (set installrexx (askbool (prompt instlrexx)
- (help @askbool-help)
- (default 1)
- )
- )
- (if installrexx
- (copyfiles (prompt copyrexx)
- (help @copyfiles-help)
- (source "ARexx")
- (dest "REXX:")
- (all)
- (optional nofail askuser)
- (confirm)
- )
- )
- (setVCEnv)
- (complete 100)
- (if (= wherestartup 2)
- (exit)
- (exit needtoreset)
- )